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Peru and New Zealand Students Depart
Four Youth Ambassadors departed today on a trip that they will likely not repeat in their lifetime. Two of our Mesa Sister Cities joined with Tempe Sister Cities to travel to New Zealand. The Mesa Students will live with their host families for 3 weeks in Upper Hutt, New Zealand, while the Tempe Sister Cities…

2019 Youth Ambassador Welcome Dinner
Our ten Mesa Sister Cities Youth ambassadors celebrated at a Welcome dinner hosted by Red Mountain Community College. Immediate Past-President, Dennis Kavanaugh welcomed all in attendance and Council member David Luna extended an official welcome on behalf of the City of Mesa. The ambassadors enjoyed spending time getting to know each other and looking forward…
Youth Ambassadors Meet with Mayor
Mesa Sister Cities Youth Ambassadors met with Mayor John Giles and Council Member Jen Duff at the Mayors office in downtown Mesa. Gifts were exchanged between the international cities solidifying our partnerships as sister cities.

Canada Ambassador Departs
The final Mesa Sister Cities Youth Ambassador departed for Burnaby Canada today where she will stay for 3 weeks with her Canadian Ambassador in Burnaby, Canada. Burnaby is in the greater Vancouver area.
2019 International Ambassadors Have Arrived
The last of the international ambassadors arrived late Saturday evening, July 29th after a 30+ hour trip from Upper Hutt, New Zealand. Our Canadian ambassador arrived on Friday, July 28th joining the Peru ambassadors who arrived the day before.
Dia de los Muertos Festival
Mesa sister cities took second place in the Day of the Dead altar contest at the festival ghis weekend. Our altar this year was in recognition of Mike Whalen who passed away a few months ago.